Super Cheap Signs

Using Car Magnets to Advertise Your Business

If you operate a company with a fleet of vans motoring all over town or simply use your personal vehicle to make deliveries or visit clients, displaying your logo on vehicle magnets is low cost, highly visible, and a great way to get your company name out there. Every day, you or your crew move around in front of different potential customers and company vehicles are like mobile business cards.

The world of car magnets is divided into two distinct categories—Magnets and Sign Magnets. The former refers to magnets of smaller size typically purchased in bulk and offered as customer promotion at live events, included in purchases, or sent in the mail. You’ll often see smaller magnets like these on the trunk or rear bumper area of cars, like the old bumper stickers of past years. In fact, this style of magnet is commonly called a bumper magnet and they are popular with local companies, non-profits, and home-based businesses.

Sign magnets are the larger versions commonly seen on vehicle door panels. They are market-driven tools typically promoting a regional company and its services and often include the company’s name, phone number, brief description of service, and a license number in the case of contractors or similar.

Magnetic Mobility

Creating a custom car magnet for your business is easier than ever, with intuitive online tools and high end-product materials that will add company pizzazz to your company’s four-wheeled billboards. Here’s what’s great about vehicle magnets:

  • Low cost—Designing and making vehicle magnets is one of the most affordable marketing strategies and with the final product in hand, there’s no monthly advertising cost or other additional expense. You get high visibility every time the vehicles hit the road.
  • Mobility—Traditional signage is rooted in one place. It’s great for delivering a message to that particular piece of geography but what about customers across town? A real estate car magnet, for example, is an excellent way to generate leads where you need them most.
  • Flexible—If you run Sarah’s Beach Bonanza three days a week, you can display the magnetic signs in the heat of the action and simply remove them whenever you want.
  • Business branding—One of marketing’s fundamentals is a great logo is the face of your brand. Short of meeting every potential customer for coffee every day, your logo becomes your calling card. As a bonus, your high quality work, or that of your crew, is directly reflected back to the company. For example, contractor truck magnets are roving endorsements of your crew’s incomparable talents.     

Magnet Application and Size

When it comes to applying vehicle magnets, common concerns are will they stick and will they ruin the paint? Regarding the former, business magnets for cars will stick to any flat metal surface. They will not stick to fiberglass panels.

As far as damage to a vehicle, car magnets will not damage paint or leave scratches or scuffs and in fact, help shield the paint from fading. However, it is wise to remove car magnets intermittently to allow some natural sun exposure.

As a general rule, the most popular vehicle magnet sizes are 12×18 inches for passenger cars and 12×24 inches for SUVs and pickups. Larger trucks or trailers have best visibility with 18×24-inch magnets. Square and rectangular sign magnets are the most popular but round and various other shapes are used as well.

What to Include

Designing a car magnet of any size involves many of the same elements as other marketing efforts. Contact information should be the easiest text to read on your sign and displayed in attention-grabbing font style. Someone driving by only has a few seconds to read your magnet so stick with short, clear phrasing and/or a catchy tagline.

Color combinations of course are a major design component and can make a big impact in attracting potential customers. Dark backgrounds with lighter text are catchy and easy to read, as well as company-specific graphics in complementing colors that really set off your business vibe.

Naturally, keeping your magnets and magnet signs clean and in good condition is very important. Vehicle magnets are strong and durable and will generally last a very long time, but a little TLC goes a long way in ensuring that happens. Wipe off that dirt! A bright and shiny sign is your first step to new customers. Make your first mobile impression the best it can be.

How Big a Yard Sign Should My Contracting Business Have?

It’s like planting a flag to stake your claim on a new land. A sign for your contracting business might seem insignificant in the grand marketing scheme, or even an afterthought to some, but the power of a professional contracting sign cannot be underestimated.

Many contractors including plumbers, painters, home remodelers, and landscapers rely heavily on word of mouth advertising and while this is very effective it is not foolproof and only applies if your business generates a consistent buzz.  High profile contractors or those fortunate enough might have their name amply displayed on a job site building to show off to the world, and many contractors have vehicles advertising their services. But a roving vehicle can’t direct a potential customer’s attention to a specific job. How can you shout out your company’s talents and reputation while making the most of your marketing dollars?


The Understated Power of a Yard Sign

It’s amazing what sticking a business sign in the ground can do. On that sign you can display most anything related to the work you do, such as contact phone, license number, website, business logo, and color photos of a project. The sign can be in a traditional square or rectangle shape.

When the neighbors stroll by or other people drive, bike, or run past; they will see your business name in bold font and bright, catchy colors. If you or a crew is on site, a custom yard sign can also serve as a welcome for what you do and an invitation to potentially talk with you on the spot. Curious neighbors might be in need of the same type of work and this is your chance to share details of your talents with a new audience.

We live in a digital world, for sure, but print marketing remains a highly effective option for everything from sales and real estate to home improvement and political office. More than likely, you have walked through the door of a business or at least called or perused their website after seeing a yard sign or advertising poster. Best of all from a marketing budget point of view, with a little creativity and strategy you can score affordable signs and generate a significant return on a modest investment.


How Big Should I Go?

After you’ve decided on a customer-captivating font, colors, and graphics for your business sign; now it’s time to choose a size. Just how big is best? A little 8×10 postage stamp blurb probably won’t attract the crowds to your door and a humongous mural draped from the eaves is a bit much.

First thing’s first—know the rules. Check local regulations regarding temporary signage. You certainly don’t want to break a law or raise the hackles of important people in city offices. Not only that, signs planted where they don’t belong stand a good chance of being unceremoniously removed and discarded, and there goes your marketing investment.

Choose a sign large enough for people to see when they drive past. You only have a few seconds to capture their attention so combine adequate size with bold colors, easy to read fonts, and a contrasting background. If your “under construction” sign at a high-profile job site is small and hard to read, it doesn’t do much good to have it out there in the first place.


Make it Sturdy and Unique

A larger, robust sign also garners attention and will not be bothered by gusty winds or a storm. Use wooden posts or similar whenever possible to keep your sign in place, and incorporate an attractive design that reflects your company’s personality.

People remember things that aren’t the same ol’. Don’t be afraid to push the limits a bit and use unique materials and shapes to catch the eye of potential customers. That one little detail could mean the biggest job of the year.


Information is Power

Make use of your sign space and include strategic, customer-focused information that is easy to access. Consider including a mobile-friendly QR code about your company or the specific project where the sign is placed. The traditional “mailbox” attached to the sign filled with brochures is always a good bet as well.

Within the sign space, focus on advertising just one or two services. People won’t have time to read your company’s entire repertoire so use the space wisely. Include a specialty and highlight accordingly. And don’t print on both sides; people aren’t traveling behind the sign. Save on print costs and make larger signs for the best results. 

What Information Should You Include on a Real Estate Yard Sign?

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Today’s world is packed full of amazing technological tools for everything from learning ABCs to ordering groceries to stealthy satellite surveillance from space. Yet in spite of all those hi-tech gizmos, the humble yard sign remains one of real estate’s oldest and most effective ways to build a reputation and attract leads. A prospective client might never engage with your listings on Zillow or turn on your Twitter feed or bookmark your website, but they will drive by the house with your for sale sign on the way to work every day.  

They are simple in appearance and made of only a thin sheet of wood, metal, or plastic but a well-made sign very effectively plants your name in people’s minds. They see the same eye-catching sign on tidy front lawns all over town and pretty soon they are familiar with you and/or a particular real estate company. “Hey, there’s Lisa again on that sign over there. She must be selling another house.”

That’s great branding at work—the more recognition you have for your personal logo and colors, the more familiar they become with you, the agent; the business you do; and they naturally associate more and more with your specialty market and neighborhood areas.

Seven Seconds

In a job interview, first date, or your custom real estate yard sign; you have roughly seven seconds to make a first impression and you want it to be a good one. You need to be sure your sign does as good a job attracting buyers as the home itself. If you are a seasoned real estate professional or working on your first listing, connecting with buyers is the most critical element to success. Your sign in the yard must simultaneously invite them in the door while inspiring confidence in your skills as an agent.

And you have a space of about two feet wide and a foot and a half tall in which to do that. That is the size of an average real estate sign but of course, they can vary and be larger. Bigger doesn’t always mean better but when it comes to real estate signs, potential customers need to be able to clearly read from the road what you are presenting. Small, cramped text in decorative fonts might look good on paper but detracts from your intended goal in the field.

Keep it Simple, Make it Count

A real estate For Sale or For Lease sign is your first chance to make a memorable sales pitch. You want your information out there big and bold, in a way that reflects your personal and company branding. Include the most important information about the sale, telling potential customers who you are, what you have to offer, and how to reach you.

To catch the eye of a buyer, include the following on your sign:

  • Personal and/or brand or brokerage logo
  • Your name and contact phone number
  • A quality photo of you
  • Website address

The simpler the main body of the sign, the better. You can share details with buyers later. But your sign can be used for multiple purposes. Think of it as the Swiss Army knife of real estate, starting at the top of the sign.

Toppers and Riders

Aptly named, “toppers” are smaller signs communicating additional information about the sale such as:

  • For Sale
  • Sale Pending
  • New Listing
  • Open House
  • Price Reduced
  • Asking price

Sign Riders” are signs which often hang from hooks below the main sign panel. Some verbiage includes:

  • Your cell phone contact
  • Specific home features
  • Texting options
  • Co-agent contact

Sign Placement

Your real estate sign must be easily visible from the street, preferably in a place that stands out in a yard or complements the property’s existing look. Naturally, you want to avoid posting the sign in a place blocked by parked cars, giant telephone poles, or thick foliage.

It is typically more approachable to place signs closer to the street than right up next to the front door; signs can blend in with a home’s paint color and make them difficult to read. If selling a corner house, take advantage of the natural advertising space and post signs on each adjoining street. Homes in the country on secluded streets don’t see much traffic and in these cases, it is wise to post directional signs in appropriate locations.

Bonus tip

In addition to traditional real estate signage, some agents use cheap bandit signs to attract leads. Bandit signs are low-cost marketing signs placed in various locations to increase spontaneous client leads. Their effectiveness varies but always be sure to check local regulations for posting.  

Using Custom Yard Signs to Promote Your Special Event

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Could custom yard signs be the missing link when it comes to publicizing your next big event? With yard signs, you can quickly and easily create a customized message that will resonate with potential attendees – but only if they’re carefully planned and designed correctly!

It’s not just what kind of signs you use or where they’re installed – EVERYTHING matters, including when you order them, what they look like, and how you install them. We have some tried and true tips explained below that will help you find “sign success” for your next event.

When to Order Your Custom Yard Signs

The most important part of throwing a good event is planning.  That’s why you should order yard signs at least one month before your event (or as soon as possible). While this might seem like an unnecessarily long period of time, many things can happen between now and then. Typical sign production at our shop can take around five business days, and we’re much faster than most. Then, you should expect to add another 2-4 days for shipping. Even if you don’t have this kind of lead time, make sure you don’t put off ordering your signs until the last minute. Rush jobs always add stress and cost to the project and you might end up with a sign that says “Hapy Graduation” (even though our design team prides itself on its incredible attention to detail). 

Where to Place Your Yard Signs

Audiences require convenience, so your event signage must accurately and simply direct guests to the intended location. It’s a poor strategy to have guests getting lost or meandering around the countryside –  and this is especially true if they’re a necessary part of the event. Signage should be placed in a yard or along roadside corners to be seen without obstructing traffic. 

Use Common Sense and Obey Local Regulations

When posting yard signs on someone else’s property, asking landowners politely can go a long way – especially if you throw in an invitation to the event.

When you receive your yard signs, be respectful of where you place them. You want to place your custom yard signs on a busy thoroughfare or corner, but not if it’s along a high-speed highway, on-ramps, off-ramps, or utility poles. Sign placement might be allowed on state and county roads, so long as they don’t create traffic hazards or block traffic and stop lights. 

Even if you want to post a sign in your own yard for a short while, be sure to check local ordinances regarding sizes and quantities of signs. You wouldn’t want an unpleasant encounter with law enforcement, so always consult the appropriate authorities before posting anything

When Should I Place My Yard Signs Outside?

When to place event signs depends largely on the type and location of the event. If you’re hosting a political fundraiser, a good rule is to place event-specific and standard campaign signs outside about two weeks before the event, then take them down within 24 hours. 

Two weeks typically provide enough advance notice for attendees to clear their schedules. Be sure to record where all of your signs are placed since having old signs perched around town is a poor sign of organization.

Lawn Signs for Closed Events

For events that are closed to the public (like graduation parties and weddings), signs can be placed 1-3 days beforehand. It’s assumed that guests have invitations and directions, but big directional signs can be extremely helpful for getting folks where they need to go.

Make Sure You Have the Right Signage

Yard signs are an affordable, highly visual opportunity to promote nearly any event, including: 

With nearly unlimited options to channel your creative side, it’s important to match an event’s advertising with its personality. So how do you do it? 

How to Make Your Own Yard Sign

Our super cheap yard signs offer flexible designs and durable materials to get your event the publicity it needs. Start with our straightforward online ordering process – you’ll create your custom yard sign in minutes.

Stay organized and plan to make your event a hit.

Join the thousands of businesses that trust Super Cheap Signs for their signage needs. See why we’re the go-to choice for affordable, eye-catching signs. Explore our store page today!

Open House Signs that Attract More Buyer Attention

Preparing for an open house takes a lot of work. Often the homeowner must deep clean, de-personalize the home, bake cookies, landscape for curb-appeal, perform minor repairs, and list the open house online. After all of that, you would think that potential buyers would be busting down the door to take a peek. However, many homeowners forget or are unaware of the steps it takes to attract buyer attention for the event itself. 


Open house signs are easily recognizable and a cost-effective option for advertising the event the day of. There are a variety of open house signs available to choose from, and there isn’t a one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to effective open house sign marketing. So, how do you know which one is right for your home and neighborhood? Below are a few ideas on what types of signs attract more buyer attention and how you can use them for your open house.


Signs That Say “Open House”

This should be a no-brainer. However, if a sign just says “For Sale”, potential buyers won’t know there is an event happening the day of or at all. If you want them to come through the door, the sign has to be clear that you’re hosting an open house and when they should stop by.


Directional Signs

If a home is tucked away in a neighborhood or it’s not visible from any main roads, directional signs can be helpful for leading people to the open house. Placing a sign at the main entrance of a neighborhood or on the closest main road can help attract passersby who don’t live in the neighborhood. The more traffic a road gets, the more potential buyers will see the sign. Some neighborhoods and cities have specific rules involving temporary signs, so it’s important for homeowners to learn these rules before accidentally breaking one.


Repetitive Signs

Several signs before the entrance of the neighborhood not only catch the attention of passersby, but they can also serve as alerts and reminders of where to turn so they don’t miss it. Each sign can say something different or contain only one word each to form a whole sentence. Either way, multiple signs are hard to miss.


Informative Signs

Signs with the date, time, price, and basic information about the home can help buyers determine if the home fits their criteria in the first place. Open houses that waste everyone’s time aren’t profitable, so informative signs can help weed out the outliers. Informative signs are usually placed in front of the home with the most important information in the largest lettering so people don’t have to get out of their cars to read it. Too much information on a sign can overwhelm a potential looker, and small print is difficult to read from far away. Contrast and color can help signs stand out around the landscape and are easy to read for someone driving by.


Humorous Signs

Humor is an easy way to grab someone’s attention when marketing for anything, including homes. Phrases like “It’s what’s on the inside that counts” or “Say yes to the address” can peak the curiosity of a potential buyer at the very least. Creative and clever home promotion tactics will attract buyers’ attention at the very least. This strategy may be more successful in certain areas or neighborhoods, and a realtor may know best if it will work in yours.


Creative Placement

Open house signs aren’t restricted to neighborhoods and in front of homes. To widen the search radius, some realtors will create open house flyers and post them in coffee shops, grocery stores, or wherever local ads are displayed. To prevent random strangers from showing up to the house late at night, these may only want to be promoting the open house for a couple days or just the day of the event. The home address doesn’t even need to be shared if there are signs leading to the home from the entrance of the neighborhood. When thinking about open house signs, there are more ways to promote an open house than just the traditional signs and methods. Creativity and strategy can lead to a wildly successful open house, and even a contract at the end of the day.

How the Use of Business Cards Have Changed in the Last Decade

While there was a time when it seemed like every person couldn’t hand out their business cards fast enough and everyone had a collection of various cards gathering dust in their wallets, it seems that the popularity of business cards is finally starting to wane. While the explosion of business cards a decade ago was at times overwhelming and oversaturated, by no means are business cards dead today. In fact, there are many situations, settings, and cultures where business cards are still relevant. The way society uses business cards now, however, has slightly evolved in the past ten years.

Businesses are choosing quality over quantity of transactions. 

A decade ago, entrepreneurs may have handed out their business cards to every person they met in hopes that a few of them would convert. After years of trying this method, it’s apparent that a one-dimensional card isn’t the only factor that potential clients or network partners use to determine whether or not they will work with you. Today, a personal connection is often made before a business card is ever passed off. People who have experienced a positive interaction with someone are more likely to keep the card than those who haven’t. 


Creative designs are helping businesses stand out.

Business cards used to be quite basic. After collecting a myriad of similar looking white cards, they all start to blend together to a potential client. To stand out, businesses are now getting creative with the design and look of their business cards. Not only is color a big deal now, but different shapes, interactive cards, and even see-through cards are more popular now than ever before. Unexpected and creative touches to a business card help clients remember the giver and can help promote a brand even further. Especially unique cards may even get shared dozens of times on social media, furthering brand promotion.


Information shared is evolving.

Most business cards contain basic contact information such as phone number and email, along with the name of the person, the name of the business, and the website. However, with the rise of social networking, professional social media accounts are a must-list for modern business cards. People are more likely to find a company on a social media channel than keep a business card anyway, so many businesses are using their cards to bridge this gap instead. Professional headshots and calls to action are also commonly included on business cards today, as they are still widely used in a business’ marketing plan. 


Touched on above, handing out business cards to everyone and anyone is no longer considered an effective strategy. Businesses are now focusing on creating personal connections before passing off their contact information to a potential client or network partner. Instead of having a business card be the beginning, middle, and end of an interaction with someone, they are saved for the good-byes after a conversation has been had if the person wants to keep in touch. A decade ago, business cards held little value because everyone got one. Now, business cards are mainly given to people most likely to keep them and use them. 


Business cards are still viewed as the most professional hand-off of contact information, and it can be embarrassing to a business owner when they are caught without one when asked. Even with digital sharing of information, business cards are still the quickest and easiest way to exchange information, especially with certain audiences and in certain settings.


Business cards are used within rather than outside of a company. 

In large companies, employees are often given their own set of business cards. This can be helpful for promoting the business when they are off the clock. However, they are also helpful for a quick exchange of information with co-workers in other departments. Increasingly, it is becoming common for employees to utilize their business cards this way, especially if they are somewhere away from their computer or phone.


The way business cards were used in the past is certainly dead, and we are probably better off because of it. However, today’s adaptive business cards are still very much useful, especially when a unique element is incorporated into the design or they are given to the right people. If business cards aren’t working for a business, it may be time to update them!

Four Unique Ways to Integrate Business Cards into Your Marketing Strategy

You just bought a box of 10,000 business cards (because that’s what all business owners do, right?), but now what are you supposed to do with them? Some entrepreneurs feel awkward handing out their business card at networking events, while others are naturals at it. Are you supposed to give your business card out to everyone you meet, or should you target certain audiences? If you aren’t sure how business cards can be implemented into your marketing strategy, take a look at four unique ideas below to help you get started.


Partner with Related Services

The easiest marketing is when someone else does it for you, right? If you have worked with partner companies in the past, and they aren’t direct competition, it may be worth contacting them about displaying your cards for customers in need. For instance, a web design company can display cards for an online marketing company, and vice versa. If you’ve already built a trusted relationship with the company, they will naturally promote your business anyway. Give them a stack of cards to make it easier!


Include Special Offers or Discounts

When designing your business cards, think about who you will primarily be handing them to. Will they be new prospects, repeat customers, potential network partners, or perhaps all three? You may consider including a promotion or special discount on a percentage of the cards for potential customers so they are more likely to keep your card for future reference. People love saving money and finding a deal. Give them a reason to hang on to your card rather than toss it in the trash. 


If you want your discount to be flexible based on seasons or holidays, you can include a basic discount code (such as the name of your business) that customers can enter and you can change depending on what you want the discount to reflect. If the discount always stays the same, such as 10% off for every new customer, then the clarity can help customers remember exactly what they are keeping the card for. Punch cards or referral discounts can also be applied to the back of a business card, and be all the more reason for a customer to hang on to the card.


Include Landing Page Link

As part of your marketing strategy, you may have already created a landing page that is designed specifically to draw new customers into your brand and lead them to conversion pages. Instead of listing the basic home page of your website on your business cards, why not perform double-duty and list the landing page instead? As long as the landing page has a readable URL and easy for customers to type in (especially think about mobile users!), then this can be a great way to integrate in-person and online marketing strategies.


Get Creative with Placements

Not every business owner has time to attend a dozen networking events, conferences, or trade shows every year. Instead, they may have to find other creative ways to get their business cards in the hands of target prospects. Luckily, there are plenty of opportunities in every day life to strategically place a business card. 


Community boards at coffee shops and grocery stores are easy and free ways to market a business. You can also head to a local bookstore or library and stick your business card in a few industry-related books (as long as the people in charge are cool with it). Or, you can hide a few of your business cards around town and make a scavenger-hunt type game out of it where the customer gets a discount if they find all of them. 


There are tons of creative ways to get your business card out there rather than spending hours talking to strangers at an event. The four ideas listed above are a few of the more unique ones to get the creative juices flowing. Business owners can also utilize friends and family, friends, neighbors, past clients, and co-workers to pass out cards, or include their cards in a mail marketing campaign. While in-person connections are always the most effective when it comes to a business card exchange strategy, it doesn’t mean you can’t get your information out there even when you can’t be physically present!

Seven Business Card Designs of the Future

Nearly every modern business utilizes business cards to promote themselves, yet they are often tossed in the trash by their recipients by the end of the week. While business cards continue as a staple in the business world (and it’s nice to have one available when a client asks), businesses need to adapt their cards to fit ever-shifting trends and stand out amongst the competition. Otherwise, the expense and hassle of creating a business card is a total waste. 


What inspires a client to keep your card in their wallet rather than toss it when they get home? For one, your business card must be eye-catching. You can achieve this through fonts, brand-colors, phrases, imagery, or even the shape of the card itself. Of course, the most important goal of a business card is to convey useful information to the client, such as name, email, website, and professional social media pages. If you aren’t sure where to begin in your business card design brainstorming session, take a look at the top seven on-trend business card designs of the future below to spark an idea or two.



A business should convey some information on their business card, but overstuffing and overwhelming a card can be overkill. A customer doesn’t need to know details about specific products or services on a business card. They do need to know your website to find that information, however. Keep it short, sweet, and simple when it comes to how many lines of text you decide to include on your cards.


Along with the amount of words on the card, minimalistic amounts of color, fonts, and images are also on-trend right now. A single-color background with just the business name or logo on the front can help a card look clean, fresh, and professional. You can play around with foiled lettering or different textures to make it unique and un-boring. The important business information can be listed on the back without cluttering up the simple and bold advertisement on the front.



Another interesting design idea that has been recently floating around is that of transparent business cards. A specific brand color or pattern can be applied to the transparent paper, but the uniqueness of the see-through design can help it stand out amongst competitors. Of course, transparent cards don’t work with every type of business, especially since transparency conveys a certain message. For instance, a data privacy company may not want see-through associated with its name. However, it may fit the theme of a window company. The takeaway is that businesses are no longer limited to traditional cardstock for business card backgrounds, and they can experiment with different types of material.



Businesses are no longer limited to the traditional rectangle shape for business cards either. To stand out, some businesses are experimenting with different shapes and sizes for their business cards. Of course, business cards should still serve the practical purpose of storing until future need and easily fit inside a wallet or card carrier. 



Depending on the type of business, interactive cards can be a fun way to hold the attention of a client or future client. Cards that fold into different objects or have hidden pull-and-slide messages are unique and fun for clients to fidget with when they are familiarizing themselves with your contact information. If anything, these types of cards will definitely be remembered for their distinctive designs.



Just like other types of marketing, business cards should display professional social media accounts as a way for customers to connect with a business. Even if they don’t use the services or products right away, they may want to connect digitally before tossing a card. If a business spends a lot of time marketing and/or selling on social media, this is essential information to include.



Humor is a universal language, and it can stand out and intrigue just as much as a color scheme, font, or design. Humor, puns, and sarcasm especially resonate with younger target audiences. Whether it’s through clever imagery or a play on words, many businesses are now incorporating humor into their business card designs to help make a lasting impression with their clients.



A business card can serve two or more functions if you get creative. Instead of handing out multiple cards for different purposes to potential clients, why not just hand them one? If you offer 10% off to new clients, you can include this deal on the card. Or, if there’s a page on your website specifically created for potential clients, you can put this URL on the card in place of the standard homepage. You can even turn a business card into a “frequent customer” card and offer a free product or service for every 10 punches on the back. Businesses are consolidating some of this information onto one card that increases the chances that a customer will keep it longer than a day or a week.

Custom Posters for Cheap

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When it comes to reaching an audience, posters are one of the most fruitful and surefire means of capturing someone’s attention. All you need to make a powerful visual impression is a tactful design and clean layout that is memorable but does not cost a fortune. No matter what your business objectives, custom posters are an effective means of promoting your cause while simultaneously imparting a little aesthetic flair. If that idea sounds enticing, here are some more reasons why economically priced custom posters are a must.

Posters Are Cost Effective

Whether your goal is to market a business or decorate your home, posters are extremely cost-effective. Compared to print ads, posters will save you a lot of money and, in the case of marketing your business, could potentially result in more exposure.

Compared to print ads, posters are a decidedly more economic solution. Typical print ads can range anywhere from $500 to over $15,000, which is much more expensive than an ostentatiously large poster with high-quality graphics. On top of that, keep in mind that a print ad will restrict your audience to those who read or subscribe to those particular publications. On the other hand, a cleverly placed poster will incur no such restrictions.

First Impressions Are Everything

While posters are certainly convenient for your budget, they are also an excellent means of generating positive first impressions from prospective customers. This is why high-quality materials and extensive color options are so important. Fortunately, quality is easy to find at Super Cheap Signs. In addition to providing photo-quality, large format printing, they offer the option to customize your entire poster. You can even upload custom designs for inclusion wherever you see fit. Whether you want to create something completely new or riff on an old idea, their team of experts is ready to help you every step of the way.

Posters Are Flexible

One of the most convenient aspects of posters is their seemingly endless range of possible shapes and sizes. So whether your goal is to create hundreds of smaller promotional posters for a particular ad campaign, or several larger posters for branding purposes, the inherently flexible capabilities therein should give you peace of mind in knowing that your options are wide open. Additionally, posters are convenient because they can be customized to suit your audience’s desires and expectations. For example, you can incorporate a QR or coupon codes to engage tech-savvy consumers. Beyond that, posters give you plenty of room to play around with customized sizes.

Posters Promote Visibility

Posters are a marketing savant’s dream because they can be hung just about anywhere. From coffee shops to bookstores to banks, posters can add some needed depth to just about any setting. When hanging your posters, try to think as strategically as possible. You will want to ensure they are spread out in locations where people’s eyes frequent, as opposed to cluttered together in a corner somewhere. However, be sure to check with your local laws and regulations prior to hanging anything, as there may be some rule particular to your location that escapes the scope of this article.

Posters Are a Great Way to Gain Exposure

This may seem obvious, but the mere act of hanging a poster in a walkway or public location means that someone is bound to see it. As mentioned, this directly contrasts with print ads, which are only available to a specific subsection of the population. Additionally, placing a poster in a high traffic area is a great way to capture engagement and attract prospective customers. If you are planning to use your posters for a prolonged period of time, you could even opt to frame or laminate them to ensure their longevity.

Posters and Marketing

Even in today’s increasingly digital world, posters still remain one of the most intuitive ways to market a business. Expounding on the reasons listed above, posters are:

  • Affordable
  • Versatile
  • Portable
  • Flexible
  • Engaging

Using posters for marketing purposes is an economical way to amplify your brand’s visibility and gives you a strategic leg up on the competition, especially if they are ignoring posters in favor of social media advertising (though this is still important in its own way). In terms of affordability, posters are economic enough to suit just about any budget. Even if you just need to test some ideas, purchasing some custom posters in bulk and running an A/B test for font colors, sizes, designs, and image content is a cost-effective solution.

As far as portability is concerned, posters are very easy to install and transfer from location to location. Even better, some posters can be used repeatedly no matter the timeframe. This also speaks to their versatility, which makes it easy to reconfigure in accordance with the needs of your target audience.

When it comes to capturing engagement, a seasoned marketer could have a field day with just about any poster format. Combining psychological techniques, branding techniques, color theory, and tactful language is a surefire way to engage your target audience and drive engagement. To this extent, posters are available in an astonishing range of sizes, all of which can be customized to fit your aesthetic inclinations.

Finally, posters can be strategically placed just about anywhere you can think of, including indoors and outdoors. This makes them an ideal means of driving traffic. In fact, several recent studies show that calculated poster placement can drive targeted engagement of specific products. So be sure to do your research and place your posters as strategically as possible.

Around the Clock Marketing

Unlike commercials or print ads, most posters are visible 24 hours per day (though this obviously varies in accordance with where they are located). Consequently, they are not limited by budgetary or spending constraints. This means that people will always have a chance to familiarize themselves with your businesses. How’s that for around the clock marketing?

Science Has Spoken

One of the biggest hurdles in advertising and marketing is getting an idea to stick in someone’s mind. However, before an idea can be incepted, you need to make sure your subject is paying attention. A 2013 study published by the Health Information and Libraries Journal discovered that posters are the primary means of relaying information in academic and public health industries. Further, it shows that posters can effectively condition attitudes and influence behaviors. This insight has been incorporated into the medical and dental industries to great success.

The aforementioned success isn’t just applicable to health industries. Posters have been used to successfully convey and instill information across a variety of professions. As an entrepreneur, you likely do not have a lot of time on your hands but have critical information that you need to convey. In this situation, many people would opt for a slideshow presentation or a PowerPoint.

However, that basically just gives your employees and colleagues a break from their daily tasks and in no way ensures they are retaining any of the information presented. Instead, research shows that whipping up and displaying a custom poster that succinctly conveys the information is a much better means of promoting active learning. Additionally, an effective poster will inspire viewers to ask questions. In the context of a meeting or presentation, this will likely result in a meaningful discussion that will illuminate everyone’s understanding of a particular topic. Needless to say, this is much more effective than the passive experience facilitated by slide shows, PowerPoints, and worst of all: presentations with no visual aids whatsoever.

Super Cheap Signs Is Your Best Source for Custom Posters

Taking the above information even further, while the information conveyed in slideshows and Power Points vanishes from sight the second the next slide occupies the screen, posters remain present until you physically move them. When combined with high-quality material, such as the Postermax paper used by Super Cheap Signs, posters appear authoritative and are likely to inspire positive comments.

If you are on the market for economically priced custom posters, Super Cheap Signs has everything you need. In addition to providing a wide variety of templates, they also offer complete customization, which is a great way to convey more specific messages. Even better, they accept custom images, meaning you can incorporate your own art and custom graphics into your poster. They also offer discounts if you choose to order in bulk quantities, which ultimately saves you time, effort, and money.

All of their posters are made with high-quality Postermax paper, feature one-sided print, and are strong enough for any indoor use. They also offer an array of poster and sign accessories, including wireframes, stakes, spin handles, flyer boxes, suction cups, and more. No matter the application, the seasoned professionals comprising their team are more than ready to assist with all of your poster-related needs.

Screen vs Digital: A Printing Conundrum That’s Good to Have

Screen vs. Digital

For anyone who’s been working in the print industry for some time, it would be easy for them to tell the difference between a screen-printed sign and a digitally printed one. If you’re new to the industry or if you just want a better understanding of what these differences are, then you’ve come to the right place. Instead of asking yourself which method is better, you should be asking which is better for the way you plan on promoting your signs. What you need your signs for, will help determine which option is better for you. As we jump into the different techniques, we will discover the pros and cons of each method and highlight which attributes make them worthy competitors in the industry. For this particular comparison, we’re going to assume the same material (corrugated plastic) was used for both formats.


Screen printing has been around for a very long time. It has proven to be one of the most reliable ways to get the job done and at a decent price. This technique requires a fine mesh screen that gets coated with a chemical known as an emulsion. Once dried, a stencil can then be made to print with. It then gets placed into a machine or some form of printing table where ink is added and the print can begin. The image then gets transferred to the correx, (the material commonly used for yard signs) with the swipe of a squeegee that has a good amount of pressure on it. After printing is complete, it goes under a UV light to cure the wet ink, and boom, you got yourself a sign.

Most screen-printed signs are printed with a standard color selection of UV inks, so they can be cured quickly, and they will last longer against outdoor elements. Because of that feature, they are most commonly used outside. The ink used in screen-printing also has more of a gloss finish when completed. A big reason why people use screen printing is that higher quantities can be printed at a lower cost. One downside to printing in this manner is that full-color signs cannot be done. That means you can only print with a maximum of 4 colors in one design. However, most print shops that do screen-printing limit it to 3 colors. On average, signs done with this style tend to last about 3 – 5 years, enduring the weather that all the seasons have to offer.


In the other corner, we have digitally printed signs. Digital-printing presses have become more popular lately and are commonly used for their faster turnaround times and the ability to modify an image. These signs are printed in the way the name implies, digitally, meaning a big printer that usually uses Inkjet or Laser printing to lay down a design onto the sign. It’s like a desktop printer, just on a larger scale. An image is loaded into the machine’s queue, along with the desired material, and then the print can begin. As it prints, a giant print head moves back and forth, putting down the image one band at a time, also curing the ink being used at the same time. Once finished, the sign comes out ready to use; no extra drying time needed.

Digitally printed signs are used more in an indoor setting rather than outdoor. Although the ink used is also UV ink, it’s only rated for 2 – 3 years of prolonged outdoor exposure. On the plus side, digital printing can allow full-color signs along with full bleed. Full bleed means the image goes to all edges of the sign. In screen printing, a 1/3 of an inch blank border is left on the sign. Due to these benefits, digitally printed signs are more expensive per unit than screen-printed ones.


Depending on your needs for signage and where you plan on having your business or campaign signs placed will be the biggest determining factor when it comes to choosing which of these methods is the best fit for you. If you have a simple design, that you need a lot of copies of, and want to put them around the neighborhood, then screen-printed signs are the way to go. On the other hand, if you need just five duplicates of an intricate layout, we would recommend the digital option for that. Let’s say you have a full-color design and need a high quantity. You’re going to land at a middle price point but might have to pay just a little extra for your signage. The same goes for a small quantity with a simple design. Since it takes more resources to make a screen-printed sign than it would for a digitally-printed one, it’s more cost-effective for any customer to go digital for an order like that. This should help give you a better understanding of the two formats and aid you in your purchasing decision.

If you have any further questions or are still apprehensive of which way to go, feel free to contact our customer service specialists who are ready to help.