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How to Install Your Yard Sign!

Yard Sign With Different Stands
Yard Signs With Different Stands

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As you know, yard signs in general don’t do very well without the help of something keeping them in place. Even poster’s need thumb tacks. We understand your ad is going to endure things like heavy wind, rain, ice, and snow. We don’t want these or any other elements washing away your potential revenue. Knowing that the yard sign for your business or campaign signage is going to be secure is a must, so we’re here to help. Here we have gathered some items to help bring you peace of mind.

What are H-wires?

We have four basic H-wire stands that we sell from our warehouse, all of which easily slide into the flutes of your sign. Each H-wire is made of slim metal posts that are fashioned together to form an “H”. First, we have our standard H-wires which is our top rated and best seller. It’s 30” x 10” and is $1.19. Next we have our economy H-wires and they’re 24” x 10” with a price of $1.09. Then we have our heavy duty H-wires which are the same dimensions as our standard except the actual thickness of the metal is greater and the top posts are slightly wider. These go for $3.40 each. Last but not least are the half sized H-wires which are 15” x 10” and they start at $0.92 . All of our H-wires have available price breaks so don’t be afraid to order more and save.

Yard Sign Accessories

Aside from our H-wire collection we also have other accessories like wood stakes, plastic sign frames, and steel sign frames. We also offer U-channel sign posts and plastic A-frame sign holders for your more particular needs. A-frame sign holders are good for indoor ads, like in a mall. The plastic sign frames, wood stakes, and all of our steel frames are perfect for outdoor signage and can be installed with a hammer and some elbow grease. These will not only keep your signs in place but will stay there for as long as you need, while taking on the surrounding environment.

Here’s where you can get your yard sign accessories and get started! A good tip to remember when placing yard signs is that six feet from the curb is considered public property so if you don’t want your yard sign up for grabs, push them back a smidge; closer to the house so it’s on private property. This ordinance varies from city to city so make sure and check with the proper local officials. Some people are even adding extra protection to their signs to keep thieves from taking them. You can read about it here! We here at Super Cheap Signs are glad to be able to assist you with all of your sign needs and as always, thank you for your business!

Keep It In the Community: Local Marketing

In our incredibly shrinking world, “local” sounds almost anachronistic. When we can have BFFs across the country or across the globe up close and personal at the stroke of a screen, when couples have transcontinental relationships, when our food is shipped fresh and bright to grocery store shelves from another country, does GPS makes sense anywhere except in a vehicle?

Surprisingly, yes. The Go Local movement is gaining ground. From farmer’s markets to Yelp reviews, Google Maps to hyper-local ezines, people are hungry to learn more about their immediate neighborhood. Until we can drink virtual latté, this trend will likely continue.

What does Go Local marketing mean for signage?

  • Sign up for the local angle. Consider affixing “Buy Local” decals to your products or packaging to remind customers you’re a local business, and that by buying your products, their dollars remain in the community to boost the local economy. Your in-store banners and external marketing products such as sandwich boards and spinner signs should all carry the “Buy Local” theme.
  • Socialize locally. Social media is global, but that doesn’t mean your business can’t play up the local focus. On your Facebook page, for instance (yes, your business definitely needs to have one), you can reward new and existing customers who “Like” your page — which also tells other site visitors that they prefer to shop locally. The thank-you for a “Like” can be anything from a one-time discount to a small gift with their next purchase — a simple way to acknowledge support and let them know you appreciate their business. Be sure to include an image of your “Buy Local” signage on your Facebook real estate.
  • Support the community. Does the high school football team need signage for their stadium? Could your town’s SeniorCenter use some help hanging holiday banners, balloons or lights? Every community offers numerous opportunities to make a difference — and the positive PR for your business is a nice side benefit.

Who knows, with all this local emphasis, you might just find a new best buddy across town, rather than across the world.

Custom Aluminum Signs – So Many Uses!

Do you believe in magic? How about this:

Advertising magic? Believe it!
Advertising magic? Believe it!

A material that won’t corrode, is super flexible, lightweight yet strong — and the most abundant metal in the Earth’s crust. Perhaps it’s no surprise that versatile aluminum has the atomic number lucky 13. And aluminum is a team player: it combines in nature with over 270 different minerals.

As everyone knows, one of the most popular uses for aluminum is beverage cans — so if you were really enterprising, you could save your soda cans, hammer them flat, whitewash the existing message and create your own signage! But that’s an awful lot of labor, which might be better spent running your business or campaign.

Aluminum signs can be used to convey important information regarding your property or business.
Aluminum signs can be used to convey important information regarding your property or business.

Fortunately, you can purchase high-quality, .040 gauge aluminum signs for any purpose:

  • A “No Parking” sign to keep desperate drivers from blocking your entry? Check.
  • A fence sign, indicating “Private Property” or “No Trespassing” to keep the incurably curious out? Check.
  • A sign that informs parents and kids when the community pool begins summer swim classes? Of course.
  • A sign that indicates hours of operation for your business’s entrance gate? No problem!
  • Advertising a real estate listing? SOLD!

Whatever type of custom aluminum sign you require, this resilient metal will hold up and look terrific for years to come. You can design it single- or double-sided, in full color or just one or two hues — and with ten sizes to choose from, you’ll find the perfect combination to fit your unique needs.

Just remember: as adaptable as aluminum is, you can’t eat an aluminum sign to get your RDA of essential minerals.

Thirsty for Success: A powerful slogan

Invest in a campaign you believe in! Give your customers something they'll remember and hold onto.
Invest in a campaign you believe in! Give your customers something they’ll remember and hold onto.

The stunning success of the California “Got Milk?” campaign is legendary, and the powerful slogan is now part of the American lexicon. While this kind of advertising accomplishment is exceptional, it’s not the exception; any brand can apply the same principles used to develop, launch and maintain a landmark campaign — or build name recognition for their business.

Here are some of the most valuable lessons from “Got Milk?”. They’re especially relevant for real estate professionals and investors looking to dominate their market, which our real estate signage solutions have been helping them to do for years:

  1. Make New Friends But Keep the Old. Focus first on keeping those who are brand-loyal, because they’re your best source of increased sales.

The California Milk Processor Board (CMPB) chose to target regular milk drinkers, who constituted more than two-thirds of the market and were already favorably disposed toward the product — and thus more open to influence, especially in the short-term.

Entice your existing customers with discount offers and specials before expending energy attracting new business.

  1. Be Candid. If you employ a “Candid Camera” approach to discover how consumers feel about your product or service, you’ll be able to develop strong brand positioning based on these insights.

The “Got Milk?” ad agency removed all the milk from company refrigerators, placed video cameras inside, and recorded employee reactions to discovering there was no milk. In another research study, consumers were asked to forgo milk for a week, then report back. Their stories provided fabulous fodder for future ad direction.

  1. Cozy Up. Find a strategy that speaks to the consumer’s heart — or stomach, or bank account — and go the distance with it.

When the CMPB tried to sell more milk based on its health value, people yawned. But when the CMPB heard what consumers were telling them — that food choices drive milk purchases — they came up with the winning “deprivation strategy”: chocolate chip cookies or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches lost their cachet without the classic accompanying beverage.

What “goes with” your product or service like peanut butter with jelly? Put that on your yard sign or sandwich board and gauge how customers respond, then tweak your strategy accordingly.

  1. K-I-S-S (Keep It Super Simple). A great ad campaign that is too clever can lead to the opposite result from what you intend. Consumers must be able to easily grasp your message and understand what action you want them to take. This is where a powerful slogan is key.

    A great example of a simple, memorable slogan that could lead to an enlarged customer-base and generate new interest in your brand!

In two words, “Got Milk?” functioned as a hook, a call to action and a take-away that could be adapted to a variety of placements. Think, “Got House?” if you’re a real estate professional, or “Got Lumber?” if you’re a builder.

Got the idea? Great. Just order it on the yard sign, banner or car magnet of your choice, and we’ll take it from there.