February 2020

Boost Your Brand on a Budget: The Enduring Power of Custom Vinyl Stickers

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In the dynamic world of marketing, vinyl stickers emerge as an enduring and cost-effective strategy to amplify your brand’s presence. Despite the digital marketing surge, these tactile tools retain their charm and effectiveness, offering a blend of tradition and versatility to communicate your company’s message and showcase your products innovatively.

Why Choose Vinyl Stickers for Advertising?

Versatile Application for Maximum Exposure: Vinyl stickers are uniquely adaptable for both indoor and outdoor use, ensuring your message stands out in any setting. Their durability and customizability make them perfect for a wide array of surfaces and environments, from corporate offices to bustling outdoor events.

Tailored to Your Brand: Custom shapes and sizes are not just possible but recommended, allowing your stickers to perfectly embody your brand’s essence. This personal touch enhances brand recognition and ensures your message resonates with the intended audience.

Ideal Spots for Sticker Placement

Capture Attention at Events: Leverage the power of vinyl stickers at trade shows, conferences, and other large gatherings. They are an excellent tool for guerrilla marketing, offering a tangible reminder of your brand that attendees can take with them, extending your reach beyond the event itself.

Integrate with Your Marketing Materials: Enhancing your business correspondence and literature with branded stickers can significantly boost your visibility and reinforce your marketing message in a cohesive and professional manner.

Choosing the Perfect Sticker Size

Adaptability Is Key: The size and shape of your stickers should reflect the diversity of their potential applications. From the smallest piece of merchandise to large-scale outdoor placements, selecting a versatile size ensures your message is always clear and impactful.

Customization for Impact: A well-chosen sticker size and shape can make or break your advertising efforts. It’s crucial to match these elements with your brand identity and the message you wish to convey, ensuring your stickers enhance rather than detract from your brand image.

Cost-Effectiveness of Sticker Marketing

Unbeatable ROI: With their low cost and high potential for visibility, custom vinyl stickers offer an exceptional return on investment. A modest budget can yield thousands of stickers, each serving as a mobile billboard for your brand.

Enhancing Your Marketing Mix with Mobile Messaging

Bumper Stickers: The Moving Billboard: Incorporating bumper stickers into your marketing strategy can significantly amplify your message. As part of a comprehensive marketing campaign, they reinforce your presence across various media at a fraction of the cost, demonstrating the power of integrated marketing strategies.

Conclusion: The Sticky Advantage

Vinyl stickers are not just an advertising medium; they are a strategic tool that weaves together affordability, mobility, and customization. In today’s market, where differentiation and brand presence are paramount, they offer a tangible and impactful way to share your message, stick in the minds of your audience, and drive your marketing objectives forward.

‘On the Road’ Advertising with Car and Truck Magnets

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With the price of gas today, you probably start calculating how much every car or truck trip will cost you before even stepping out of the door. We’re here to help you turn that around so you can start estimating how much money each vehicle ride is going to make your local business.

Car and truck door magnet signs are an easy way to advertise your business while you’re out and about, just doing what you do. Go to the grocery store…get some new customers. Take the kids to school…get some new customers.

We’ve all seen them; on the pizza delivery man’s car, the local contractor’s van door, and maybe even the neighborhood real estate agent. Vehicle magnet signs are everywhere, spreading the name and messages of local businesses as they travel to and from. One of the most affordable types of advertising, car magnets allow you to advertise your local business across larger distances without paying the high and recurring fees of running television, radio, or newspaper ads. Consider the ways car signs and magnets effectively advertise your business.

Establish a Company Presence

As a small or medium business, branding a company’s name in your local area is important for driving sales. Branding professionals have proven that consumers are more likely to use and recommend a brand if they know and trust that name when the time comes to make a purchase. In combination with that fact, we also know that building brand authority and credibility can be accomplished through the use of car magnet signage. Because car magnet signs allow your business name, logo, and phone number to become a common sight within your community, your business name becomes more credible simply because it is seen and known by more people.

Economical Advertising

Having an advertising plan is important for any business, regardless of what kind of marketing tactics are decided upon. In most cases, the more affordable the plan is, the higher the return that can be expected. While some businesses opt to purchase their employee’s company vehicles equipped with vinyl decals, this advertising route is unrealistic for several businesses. Because car magnets are budget-friendly advertising mediums that require no monthly upkeep, they make an excellent choice for small and medium businesses with a limited budget. Furthermore, their ability to be easily transferred from one vehicle to another makes them a preferred choice with businesses that rely on their employees to use personal vehicles during their shift.

Cover More Ground

While some people believe that only small and medium businesses use car magnets, let us assure you that even the largest corporations rely on them to promote their name over large distances. Limo services, large pizza chain operations, and many service-based companies alike rely on this effective advertising medium to move their business name effectively around town. While stationary signage (such as sidewalk signs, banners, and window decals) is usually limited to one specific location, car magnets are exposed to the public during traffic, while making a delivery, or simply commuting back to the office. Is your vehicle parked? Make sure to park so that people passing by can see your company’s information on the side of your vehicle.  You are constantly advertising!

Spinning New Messages with Spinner Signs

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It gives “twisting” a message a whole new meaning when the message is plastered on a brilliantly created spinner sign.  At a time when local companies are struggling to keep their message in front of customers, some have turned to actually “juggling” their message.  Literally! 

Street Advertising with Spinner Signs

Wearing costumes and using labor to hold signage isn’t exactly new and groundbreaking advertising, but if you think about outdoor advertising, holding signs on the street corner isn’t far off from being a great idea.  Especially if the sign spins.

The use of spinner signs has once again made street advertising a strong area to market from because of the ability to reach people at a busy intersection without having to pay the traditional cost of advertising. The skill and creativity of some involved in sign spinning have even sparked a World Championship for this talent.

Benefits of Street Advertising with Spinner Signs

Many benefits can be realized by your company employing street sign spinners:

  • Out-of-the-box advertising idea
  • Cheaper than large billboards
  • Affordable labor cost
  • Ability to have different signs advertised
  • Can change the location/placement of advertisement instantaneously without spending extra

Considerations with Spinner Sign Advertising

There are a few things that should be considered when your company decides to implement spinner sign advertising:

  • Color and Text Size: With all of the spinning and turning, the message needs to be easily seen and eye-catching.
  • Keep it Simple:  The message should be short and sweet.  Get to the point.
  • Double Sided: Utilize both sides of the spinner, offsetting colors to catch the attention of travelers.
  • Safety: Ensure the spinner sign is not too heavy or cumbersome for the handler.   You don’t wish to incur any injuries.

Even in the digital age, the thought and expense of deploying sign spinners can be a productive venture for your company.  Potential customers can pass by and experience an emotional response to the talents of the spinner, while combining that with a message about your business, resulting in a stronger bond to the message itself.  Are you ready for new customers? Advertise with a spin!

The Little Things a Viewer Sees in Sign Riders

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Have you ever thought about the amount of advertisement that your eye sees, but that you can’t immediately recall until something just triggers the message to come to remembrance?  A large portion of advertising today relies on subconscious suggestions? Sign riders can be a great way to subtly enhance your signage and provide increased space for additional messaging.  

What is a Sign Rider

If you are in the real estate business, you might have some idea of what a sign rider is all about.  Most real estate signage will include a sign rider to go along with the main signage. Simply put, a sign rider is a small sign that is placed underneath, on top of or next to a sign bearing the main message.  It’s like a thought bubble next to the main idea. You want the passerby to catch the main message, but almost subconsciously, they also collect and keep the sign rider message.

When to Use a Sign Rider

Sign riders have become almost commonplace in combination with yard signs and roadway signs.  Many sign riders are used to provide updated information that goes along with the main sign that could have been in place for days.  Once a person passes a sign over a period of time, they begin to pass by without really seeing the information on the sign. Updating the sign can be costly.  However, adding a different sign rider can change the visual presentation such that it catches the eye of the passerby although they have seen the main sign repeatedly.  Use sign riders to update the main message, such as “for sale” to “sale pending”, or “lower price”. Use sign riders to encapsulate the main message into a catchphrase. Your main message may be how and where to purchase flowers, with company name, location and time of business hours.  Add a sign rider that simply says “Your Flowers Here!”.

Highlight Your Thought with a Sign Rider

You have a great yard sign, or real estate sign, or a campaign sign, but there is a lot of information on your sign for a passerby to see and remember.  You can use a sign rider to make the most important part of your message to stand out to the viewer. Maybe you really want them to call, put your phone number in large print on the sign rider.  They will get the point. Or, you just need to be sure they remember your name. In large print, the sign rider can pull your name out in front of a more detailed message below.

Don’t be caught with signage that is there, but is no longer seen.  Use sign riders to update, highlight and enhance the viewer’s opportunity to see new, but connected information.