Tips for Effective Campaign Signs

Whether you’re running for mayor or class president a good campaign sign is always going to be a vital piece of your marketing strategy.

The first thing you need to remember when designing campaign signs is that most onlookers will fly by your sign and have only seconds to take it in, so keeping things simple is important. Using basic colors such as blue, red, black, or green is effective in capturing the attention of individuals passing by without overwhelming them. Think about how well the ‘Vote for Pedro’ signs worked; it doesn’t take glitter and ribbons to capture a voter’s attention.  Using standard colors like red and blue can also help clear up what side of the political spectrum you represent such as red for republican and blue for democrat.

Besides a good design the quality of your sign is also important to consider.  Good quality campaign signs are often made of corrugated plastic with a vinyl over lay for the design.  It’s spring time and you know that means frequent rain showers.   Corrugated plastic is able to withstand any punch Mother Nature can swing.

Another aspect to consider is the placement of your campaign signs. Running for any office means you want to be known and seen.  While you’re out shaking hands and kissing babies, your campaign signs should be doing their part too.  It’s wise to map out your voting area so you can strategically place your signs along possible voter’s routes.

Campaigning can be stressful but effectively marketing yourself with campaign signs can make all the difference, Super Cheap Signs knows campaign signs, so reach out for more information.