Matt Medel

Sign Design Basics: Logo Designs

I bet you can easily recognize all of these companies. That’s the hallmark of a good logo.


We’ve all seen them – they are everywhere we look. Whether in a book, on TV, on the street, or in a shop. Famous people stand behind them, children drive their parents bananas because of them, and people use them to decide if a purchase is worthwhile or not. Have you guessed what they are yet? No? Really? Alright then, in the spirit of fair play I’ll tell you… BRAND NAMES! I know you already knew that… you were just testing me 🙂

Every brand name in the universe (yes, I am almost positive that aliens are aware of them too) has one unique thing in common no matter how different that brand may be. This element is very important but sometimes overlooked by customers who contact us to buy signs. In case you aren’t already ahead of me again, I’m talking about logos.

A logo is the graphic element of a trademark or brand, which is set in a special typeface/font, or arranged in a particular, but a legible way. The shape, color, typeface, etc. should be distinctly different from others in a similar market.  The logo of a business should be a symbol or have a special meaning that defines a business. For example, if your business is in the computer industry such as a web designer, graphic artist, web developer, or data entry clerk, that symbol might be a computer, keyboard or mouse. When picking a logo for your business make sure the logo has a theme that matches your business and it is different from other business logos. You are looking for a unique image that will identify your business.

You would be surprised by how many people don’t even have a logo of some sort. And these things are imperative to branding your company. I want you to know, I understand. Logo creation can be a very large expense if you go to the experts (recommended), but you don’t have to spend so much. I believe in your creative potential and the power of your imagination. It IS your company, YOUR service, and you alone know exactly what the logo should represent. To get you started on that creative path, I have gathered a few resources for you: – free logo designer (online)– free logo designer (online) – free text designer (online)  – tips and tools

There are a few things you should keep in mind when designing your logo:

1. A logo doesn’t need to say what a company does – it just IS
The Mercedes logo isn’t a car. The Virgin Atlantic logo isn’t an airplane. The Apple logo isn’t a computer. Etc.

2. Not every logo needs a mark
Sometimes all you need is a professional logotype (text) instead of an image to identify your business.

3. Picasso had to start somewhere
You don’t have to be an artist to sketch out some basic ideas to get you started.

4. Leave trends to the fashion industry
Trends come and go, and when you’re talking about changing a pair of jeans, or buying a new dress, that’s fine, but where your brand identity is concerned, longevity is key; don’t follow the pack. Stand out.

5. Work in black first
By leaving color to the end of the process, you focus on the idea.

6. Keep it appropriate

Designing for a law firm? Ditch the fun approach. Designing for a kid’s TV show? Nothing too serious. I could go on, but you get the idea.

7. Simplicity aids recognition

Keeping the design simple allows for flexibility in size. Ideally, your design should work at a minimum of around one inch without loss of detail. Look at the logos of large corporations like Mitsubishi, Samsung, FedEx, BBC, and the ever popular McDonalds. Their logos look simple and are easier to recognize because of it.

8. One thing to remember

That’s it. Leave your clients with just one thing to remember about the design. All strong logos have one single feature to help them stand out. Not two, not three, not four.


Good luck with your logo design! We look forward to seeing it in the future J

Magnetic Signs: Rules of Attraction

I know you have heard the phrase “opposites attract”. I’m going to have to say that’s pretty true for the most part! But the laws of attraction are varied and can seem a little overwhelming. There are so many “do’s” and “don’ts”, body language, expressions… well, you get the idea. So much to remember as if attraction wasn’t complicated enough already! How wonderful to know that there is one attracting option that doesn’t have all these rules!

You want customers – you have to attract them. The methods are still varied, but there is one that continues to stick around. Magnetic signs! See, and you thought this was going to be a totally off topic “rules of attraction” piece :).

You can use a combination of advertising methods (highly recommended) but once the signs are placed, the flyers are out, and your banners are fluttering in the wind, what options do you have for ads that get seen everywhere? Magnetic signs, of course! There are virtually no limitations on the design of a custom magnetic vehicle sign and they offer you the ease of a one minute removal.

Magnetic signs work great for:
Commercial Fleets
Official Vehicles
Service Fleets
Novelty Magnets
Realtor Vehicles
Delivery Vehicles

Magnetic signs are made of a magnetic material backing with high quality vinyl adhered to the front side of the magnet. Depending on the design, the vinyl adhered can be a full sheet of digitally printed vinyl or die cut vinyl decals placed on the magnet.

Common placement of magnetic signs include the left front door, right front door, or back of the vehicle. As a warning, magnetic signs should never be placed on fresh paint. Allow at least 60 days for paint to cure. When installing magnetic signs, ensure that both the vehicle surface and the magnet surface is clean. If even a small amount of dirt is left on the surface it increases the chances of the magnetic signs falling off and the chance that the vehicle paint job will be damaged.

Cleaning magnetic signs is very easy. You can use any household cleaner and a soft cloth. Wet the soft cloth or sponge and wipe down the sign. Always remove magnetic signs before taking your vehicle through any car wash. Also remember to periodically remove the sign and wash and wax underneath the magnet.

Car Magnets

Removing a magnetic sign is simple, Start at one side of the sign, lift off and slowly roll back. Magnetic signs should always be stored adhered to a steel surface or laid flat. Never roll up magnetic signs for long period of time, as they will retain the rolled shape after awhile and will not stay flat on the surface of your vehicle. Also do not store your magnetic signs back to back as they will lose their magnetism. Store them on a flat metal surface like the side of your fridge or a steel door.

Now you know! Magnetic signs are easy to install, great to use, and attractive!

Tips for Effective Campaign Signs

Whether you’re running for mayor or class president a good campaign sign is always going to be a vital piece of your marketing strategy.

The first thing you need to remember when designing campaign signs is that most onlookers will fly by your sign and have only seconds to take it in, so keeping things simple is important. Using basic colors such as blue, red, black, or green is effective in capturing the attention of individuals passing by without overwhelming them. Think about how well the ‘Vote for Pedro’ signs worked; it doesn’t take glitter and ribbons to capture a voter’s attention.  Using standard colors like red and blue can also help clear up what side of the political spectrum you represent such as red for republican and blue for democrat.

Besides a good design the quality of your sign is also important to consider.  Good quality campaign signs are often made of corrugated plastic with a vinyl over lay for the design.  It’s spring time and you know that means frequent rain showers.   Corrugated plastic is able to withstand any punch Mother Nature can swing.

Another aspect to consider is the placement of your campaign signs. Running for any office means you want to be known and seen.  While you’re out shaking hands and kissing babies, your campaign signs should be doing their part too.  It’s wise to map out your voting area so you can strategically place your signs along possible voter’s routes.

Campaigning can be stressful but effectively marketing yourself with campaign signs can make all the difference, Super Cheap Signs knows campaign signs, so reach out for more information.

State Regulations for Signage

Please ensure that you follow local and state guidelines for signage! I have listed each state below. Clicking these links will take you to a page that breaks out the states by city. By clicking on your chosen city, you will be presented with that cities codes. Locate the sign ordinance and ensure that you are within the regulations.

Only post signs within the legal guidelines!Step 1 – Understand the importance of sign ordinances to community beautification efforts. Local conservation groups and community-improvement organizations try to limit the size of signs, preventing them from becoming a distractive nuisance.

Step 2 – Speak with your city council about regulations restricting the use of signs attached to your buildings. Each community has ordinances that regulate the size, placement and content of signs that may be unique from other communities. In order to obey local laws, you should approach the city council with any unusual signage requests.

Step 3 – Consult with your state’s highway department about billboards and logos placed on highway exit signs. While private property owners can place any advertisement they want on a billboard, most highway departments help regulate the size of billboards to avoid distractions to drivers. Highway department officials can also help you re-size your logo to meet exit-sign standards and promote your business effectively.

Step 4 – Make sure you obey signage ordinances that regulate the placement of private business or campaign signs adjacent to public signs. Your signs cannot block those indicating street names, speed limits and traffic warnings because of public safety concerns.

Step 5 – Avoid violation of city laws that govern the color and design of business signs. While some communities allow business owners freedom to choose their design aesthetics, most cities prohibit bright colors or flashing lights to avoid traffic issues. Likewise, city councils will often prevent business owners from creating signage that is lewd or inappropriate for children.

Step 6 – Learn about the National Scenic Byways Program. Featured on, it is devoted to protecting highways and waterways from over development, including excessive signage.

State Ordinances:


New Mexico
S Dakota
N Dakota
West Virginia
N Carolina
S Carolina
New Jersey
New York
Rhode Island
New Hampshire

If you have information pertaining to any of these ordinances (changes that are not listed, etc.), please email me!

Vector vs Bitmap


Table of Contents

In the realm of digital design, especially when crafting visually compelling signs with images or logos, the choice between vector and bitmap (or raster) graphics is crucial. These two foundational types of 2D graphics serve distinct purposes and are essential tools in a designer’s arsenal.

Bitmap (Raster) Graphics: Pixel-Perfect Detail

Bitmap graphics are digital images composed of a matrix of pixels, where each pixel holds data for its specific color. This pixel-based structure means bitmap images have a set resolution and lose clarity when scaled beyond their original size. Commonly encountered bitmap formats include JPEG, PNG, GIF, and TIFF, each with its own use-case scenarios, from web images to high-quality print documents.

  • Key Traits of Bitmap Images:
    • Pixel-based composition
    • Fixed resolution, making resizing a challenge without quality loss
    • Versatile in usage, but restricted to rectangular shapes
    • Limited transparency support, depending on the format

Bitmap images are ideal for detailed, complex imagery like photographs, where capturing nuance is key. However, their dependency on resolution and difficulty in resizing without quality degradation can be limiting in dynamic design scenarios.

Vector Graphics: Scalability Meets Precision

Vector graphics, in contrast, are not defined by pixels but by paths based on mathematical equations. These paths outline shapes, colors, and fills, making vectors infinitely scalable without any loss of quality. This resolution independence of vector graphics makes them perfect for logos and sign designs that need to maintain sharpness across various sizes and mediums.

  • Key Traits of Vector Images:
    • Comprised of scalable objects, allowing for flexibility in design
    • Resolution independent, ensuring clarity at any size
    • Ideal for bold, graphic illustrations, logos, and text
    • Supports transparent backgrounds for versatile overlay applications

Common vector formats include AI (Adobe Illustrator), SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics), and EPS (Encapsulated PostScript), among others. These formats are favored for their adaptability and precision, especially in branding and marketing materials where visual impact is paramount.

Choosing Between Bitmap and Vector

The choice between bitmap and vector graphics depends on the project’s needs. Bitmaps are unbeatable for intricate, photo-realistic images, while vectors offer unmatched scalability and simplicity for graphic designs. Understanding the strengths and limitations of each can significantly impact the effectiveness of your visual communication.

For detailed guidance on file formats supported and how to best prepare your designs for production, exploring further resources or consulting with design professionals is recommended. Embracing the right graphic type not only ensures your designs are visually stunning but also optimizes your workflow for efficiency and impact.